Take a stroll along Jalan Bukit Bintang and you find a host of massage and foot reflexology centres. It is quite the thing to do after a hard day of walking and sightseeing. You will be accosted along the Bukit Bintang stretch by dozens of ladies marketing their massage services but you will do well to just stroll the length of the street before deciding on the centre of your choice. Check out the prices as well!
We recommend the Fish Spa at either the Pavilion at the end of Bukit Bintang or the one at the 1st level of the Piccolo Hotel. Just remember not to visit the Fish Spa if you have any cuts or wounds on your legs.
Although Bukit Bintang is nearer to the guest houses we reckon that the massage by the blind in Brickfields is better value for your money. Ask Christina for directions to the massage centre by monorail.
There's a centre in Chinatown which has a great value package for a 2 hour massage. You might want to check it out when in town.
For those who would like to have a massage at the guest house we have a Malay lady masseuse (for ladies only) who does house calls.
Prices ranges according to duration of massage and the setting of the centre.